Colby Smith
Colby Smith and His Descendants
Published 1998 by
Gene Doyle Brantley, Robert A. Smith, Carllene Sumner Veal

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Over the past twenty-two years we collected a lot of information, bits of data, speculations - and made a lot of guesses about Colby Smith. 

We recently supplemented that data with information from Colby Smith and His Descendants published in 1998 by Gene Doyle Brantley, Robert A. Smith, and Carllene Sumner Veal. 

Using information from Colby Smith and His Descendants  we were able to find  a few more names and dates that were not available to the publishers of the book before publication. And, yes, make a few more speculations.

Colby Smith and His Descendants is a book containing 1103 pages including an 80 page complete name index.  It includes as many of the descendants of Colby Smith as could be found at that time.  The publishers received information from direct descendants as well as doing primary research in court records and census records.  The book includes many human interest stories that enhance the lives of our ancestors.  We have not been able to include most of these stories.  We may add them later.

Our Family Group Sheet for Colby Smith descends only to his grandchildren.  The Descendant Tree includes his great grandchildren.  Even with this limit, the pages are quite long because of the large families. Remember, you can always use your Browser/Edit/Find button to look for specific names.

We would like to thank the publishers of Colby Smith and His Descendants for the excellent job they did on the book. 

Family Group Sheet
Descendant Tree